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Do you want to see something disgusting?


Aw come on.

This is the “tea” that my acupuncture doctor wants me to drink twice a day to help me get pregnant.   It looks like swamp mud.  It smells like someone pooped poison mushrooms.

When I confess to her that I just can’t choke it down, my acupuncturist gives me a long, withering look of disapproval, then substitutes some apparently less effective yet still stanky capsules that have to be taken in huge quantities — 48 per day!  No joke.

I thought the only hurdle I’d have to overcome with fertility acupuncture was the needles, which, while thin and not terribly painful, just look creepy sticking out of my body while I lay there for 30 minutes (you try not peeking – it’s impossible).

And then there’s my acupuncturist herself, who terrifies me.  She’s like a Bond villain.

This week she hands me a bag of ping pong balls and says I have to take two a day.   Say wha???  I’m pretty sure even seasoned drug mules would have trouble gulping these down:

Turns out the pills are hidden inside the ping pong balls.   To release the pills from the balls, I have to slam them in a door.  Those are my real instructions.  Only a Bond villain would come up with something so bizarre and complicated.  (Then again, it’s pretty rad child-proofing, way more Fort Knoxy than your average Tylenol bottle.)



My visits to the acupuncturist are getting so weird, sometimes I wonder where the hidden camera is.  Am I being acu-punked?

Using Eastern medicine for fertility is a great racket because there is no way to prove it works.  If I do get pregnant, I won’t know if it was due to acupuncture or my Western doctors or Dave’s super sperm or prayer–I’ll just be so psyched that I’ll tell everyone I meet, “You have to do acupuncture.  You must.”   The whole thing’s a pyramid scheme.

All right, I’m just cranky because our first IVF attempt failed and we’re gearing up for round two and I don’t love adding a few million pills to all the shots but I want to be able to say that I tried everything.  If anyone out there knows a good fertility dance, especially one that burns carbs, pass it on.  I think that’s next.

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Amy Wruble
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