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I was due to write a new post for Circle of Moms, and I still had my brother and sister-in-law, imminent parents to be, on my mind.  So I wrote this.

Of course you want to bond with your new baby and stimulate her rapidly developing brain, but how do you play with someone who can’t talk yet, or even sit up?  Reading stories and singing lullabies are classics for a reason, but after a few months, moms can get a bit bored — I know I did. Even the baby seemed bored.

The solution? I got creative, finding new ways to connect with and amuse my little one that were also fun for me. If you’d seen me in action, you might have thought I was nuts, but trust me, the baby loved every minute!

Keep reading for five fun ways to shake up the routine and keep baby entertained.

Source: Amy Wruble

1. While cooking dinner, imagine that you’re hosting a Food Network show. Channel your inner Giada as you describe and explain each step of the process (“I give my sauce a little stir . . . yum, looks good”). Your baby, who can watch at a safe distance in a bouncy seat, will love all those new words, sounds, and smells. Before you know it, you’ll be baking cookies together.

2. Play your entire music collection in alphabetical order (easy to do on iTunes) and pretend you are DJ-ing one of those “Songs from A to Z” holiday weekend radio shows. Dedicate the songs (“This one goes out to Daddy”), sing along to the music, and add personal stories (“Ooh, it’s Mama’s prom theme”). Not only will you boost your mood, dancing to your favorite jams with baby snuggled in your arms, but you can also help shape your little one’s musical taste — at least until she’s a tween.

Read the rest of the list at Circle of Moms and add your own.  Thanks!

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