Sometimes my writing appears in places other than the blog. I was proud to have two essays featured in a funny anthology called What Was I Thinking: 58 Bad Boyfriend Stories alongside my writing idols Cindy Chupack and Carrie Fisher.

Amy at the book party, pre-baby body
You can read one of my stories, “Junk in the Trunk,” here or watch the digital “VidLit” version.
I freelance for Babytalk magazine. I’m so psyched that this essay wound up on, but to see the rest you’ll have to swipe them from the pediatrician’s office.
You can find me at What To Expect.
My essay “The Least Sexy Sex” was published in Skirt magazine (3/12).
I blog for The Huffington Post.
And Families in the Loop.
And also for Circle of Moms: “10 Reasons Our Parents Had it So Much Easier,” “10 Reasons To Have Another Kid” and “The Day I Ruined The Baby.”
Carriage Before Marriage was named a Top 100 blog by Babble in 2012 and a Top 25 Funny Moms blog by Circle of Moms. It was quoted on Today Moms at and has been syndicated on BlogHer.
Check back for what I hope will be more updates.