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Rethinking “Vacation”

Rethinking “Vacation”

This Thanksgiving, we got out of town, driving down to Laguna Beach with Grandma and my brother and sister-in-law–Viv’s adored Uncle Jordan and Aunt Lana. Look at them, all relaxed and well-rested, wearing designer sunglasses without fear.  Yeah, they...
Wedding Dress Success?

Wedding Dress Success?

While Dave and I try to conceive a sibling for Viv, we are half-assedly planning our 2014 wedding.  Though both of us are super excited for the big day, as parents of a toddler we are way too tired and distracted to actually arrange anything.  (Advantage: Marriage...
Be Fruitful and Multiply?

Be Fruitful and Multiply?

Oh my God, you guys. After our first cycle of IVF didn’t take, Dr. Rosenpenis made us come in for a post-mortem to discuss what went wrong.  I was trying to hang onto my optimism, and the last thing I needed was more insane analogies. Do I even need to tell you...
Twitter Me This, Batman

Twitter Me This, Batman

Are you following me on Twitter @Cb4M? I’d almost rather you didn’t. If the blog is my HBO special, then Twitter is the hole-in-the-wall comedy club where I drop by for open mic night.   I try stuff out on Twitter.  Very little of it makes my act. So rather than...
Am I Being Acu-Punked?

Am I Being Acu-Punked?

Do you want to see something disgusting? No? Aw come on. This is the “tea” that my acupuncture doctor wants me to drink twice a day to help me get pregnant.   It looks like swamp mud.  It smells like someone pooped poison mushrooms. When I confess to her that I just...

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