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It’s My Blogaversary

It’s My Blogaversary

One year ago, I launched Carriage Before Marriage. Thank you so much for reading it! Stick with me and in 2013 you will find out if I get pregnant, watch the least knowledgeable bride in the world plan her wedding, and learn whether Viv’s two’s are terrible or just...
The Two Week Wait

The Two Week Wait

Fertility world is ruled by acronyms.  TTC = Trying to Conceive.  AF = Aunt Flo.  BFP = Big Fat Positive (as in pregnancy test). And of course, IVF = It’s Very Frustrating. There are hormone pills and headaches, injections and bruising, mood swings and tears, constant...
Goodbye, Lover

Goodbye, Lover

My longest relationship just ended. It’s the one I had with my car. We first hooked up in 1998 when I was planning a move from New York to Los Angeles and my father generously handed down his 1992 Volvo 240.  There was only one problem: I didn’t know how to drive. A...

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