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I’m still in bed with a busted back, so Viv and I have been watching a lot of iPad videos together — animated nursery rhymes, mostly.   Tonight I showed her “The Farmer in The Dell” — that moldie oldie where the the farmer takes a wife, the farmer takes a wife, hi-ho-the-dairy-oh, the farmer takes a wife.

As the singer intoned the final line, “The cheese stands alone…the cheese stands alone…”  I was surprised to see tears streaming from my baby girl’s eyes.  She looked at me so sadly.  “Mommy,” she pleaded. “I don’t want the cheese to be all alone.”

My heart burst with love for a daughter who has empathy for cheese.

sad cheese

By: Cylon23

I’m going to blink and she’ll be in middle school.  There will be mean girls there–I hope not her–who fail to see their own classmates as humans with feelings, never mind cartoon foods.  What happens between now and then?  Where goes the compassion?   When do we lose our empathy for cheese?

This, and not my busted back, is why I can’t sleep.



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