That was then
My husband has a favorite memory from our dating days: I answered the door in a skintight minidress and heels and, bada bing, bada boom, we were an hour late to the party.
Since having two kids, we’re late to stuff all the time, but not for fun reasons. More like lost shoes and lost minds.
I think we all understand intellectually that parenthood will change us, but we can’t even imagine just how much. All I know is that one day I was a fit, sexy, confident professional, and now I’m a sentimental fool with unwashed hair and a closet full of sweatpants.
I feel so different since becoming a mom that my life before kids seems like it happened to someone else. My photo albums are like artifacts of another person’s story. Who is the carefree girl in the bikini kissing a dolphin? Where did she go?
It doesn’t matter if I get my body back, go back to work or even run off to Bali for a kid-free adventure. I will never be that carefree girl again because I will always be thinking about those two little people I love obsessively and worry about constantly, even when they’re big.

This is now
My husband misses the minidress girl, and I’m not saying she won’t make an appearance again. She might. But there are parts of me that feel changed forever, big and small.
Here are just a few of the ways I am so different since becoming a mom:
I wear flip-flops to restaurants now.
I own a dutch oven, a slow cooker, a standing mixer and a food processor—and I know how to use them.
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