Have we met?
Freelance writer, mom blogger, pop culture lover.
I’m Amy, a former reality television producer and advertising executive finally living the dream of writing barefoot while raising my daughters and occasionally feeding my very understanding husband. You might know me from my freelance work, which appears regularly at places like The Huffington Post, mom.me, Momtastic and PopSugar. A few of my posts went viral – in a non-germy way – including “40 Effed Up Things about Being 40” and “You’ll Always Be My First.” Once upon a time, I studied English literature at the University of Pennsylvania and I still love books, especially in paper form. I force my kids to listen to 80s music. I will never give up pasta.
Writing by the Numbers
I love lists. Here are a few you might want to start with. READ MORE LISTS »
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Did I Have To Know I Was Pregnant?
When I was knocked up with Viv, Dave and I became obsessed with the television program “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant.” Have you seen this show? It’s AMAZING. In every episode, a woman recounts how she somehow made it through 9 months of gestation without ever...
When Strangers Attack!
Last week, Dave, Viv and I ate at a casual outdoor restaurant that welcomes families. Our 18-month-old is a delightful lunch companion, but she’s a bit of a slob, and new with a fork, so chunks of grilled cheese and an entire cob of corn had fallen to the patio...
How We Got Here
In response to my last post, about having kids later in life, I received a sweet note from someone who lamented that she is 37, single and still hoping to have a family. Been there. By the time I reached my late 30s, I had dated a ton, but none of my boyfriends ever...
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10 Reasons Our Parents Had It So Much Easier
On stressful days, I just want to crank my DeLorean up to 88 mph and travel back to the 1980s, when parenting seemed less taxing and came with a far skinnier rule book. I'm not alone — a report from the Social Issues Research Centre found that nearly half of mothers...
Before & After
Before After Before After Before After Change is good. Happy Father's Day!