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Dear 2-Year-Old, Don’t You Dare Give Up Your Nap

Dear 2-Year-Old, Don’t You Dare Give Up Your Nap

Dear 2-Year-Old, What an exciting year it’s been! You peed on the potty at least as many times as you peed on the floor. You learned how to escape your stroller and sprint towards oncoming traffic. You pulled one sock over half your foot “BY MYSELF.” I get it: you’re...
6 Things Kids Hate That Make ZERO Sense

6 Things Kids Hate That Make ZERO Sense

If you’re old enough to remember a bath product called Calgon, then you definitely remember their commercials. A frazzled mom yells, “Calgon, take me away!” and is transported into a luxurious bubble bath, where, presumably, she can no longer hear...
Sh*t Happens

Sh*t Happens

  It was a big day in a mom’s life, so I decided to dust off my blog. Thank you for reading it! As of this morning, I have two kids attending school: a first grader and a preschooler. I’m used to my big girl being at school by now, but I have mixed...
My Tushie’s in Traffic

My Tushie’s in Traffic

I knew two kids would be harder than one kid.  I just didn’t know why.  The problem is car seats. With one kid, the car seat was installed in the center, and I could extract my daughter from either door, whichever was most convenient.  Now I’ve got the...

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