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Dear 2-Year-Old, Don’t You Dare Give Up Your Nap

Dear 2-Year-Old, Don’t You Dare Give Up Your Nap

Dear 2-Year-Old, What an exciting year it’s been! You peed on the potty at least as many times as you peed on the floor. You learned how to escape your stroller and sprint towards oncoming traffic. You pulled one sock over half your foot “BY MYSELF.” I get it: you’re...
6 Things Kids Hate That Make ZERO Sense

6 Things Kids Hate That Make ZERO Sense

If you’re old enough to remember a bath product called Calgon, then you definitely remember their commercials. A frazzled mom yells, “Calgon, take me away!” and is transported into a luxurious bubble bath, where, presumably, she can no longer hear...
8 Ways My Kids Are Total Self-Care Blockers

8 Ways My Kids Are Total Self-Care Blockers

Have you heard? The buzz word of the day is “self-care,” moms. This means we’re all supposed to do a better job putting ourselves first, or at least not putting ourselves last. Sounds good, right? Every day, I read articles touting essential self-care...

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