Follow Amy:
The Sperminator

The Sperminator

Hi, my name is Amy and I just got artificially inseminated. Have you ever been curious about this stuff?  Because I’m happy to tell you all about it.  Oversharing is one of the great joys of blogging. For me, the IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) process kicked off with...
A Little Prick

A Little Prick

I consider myself a fairly competent person, but there are several things at which I suck.  My penmanship is messy.  My desk is even messier.  I am cranky in the morning.   I am fearful of merging from the 110 freeway to the 101 and have a lousy sense of direction....
10 Reasons I Need To Have Another Kid

10 Reasons I Need To Have Another Kid

My partner and I are trying for our second baby. Given my advanced maternal age, the good old rolls in the hay aren’t cutting it, so we’re facing fertility testing and probable treatments, looming large and expensive. I’m also cranky from my no wine or caffeine...
The Least Sexy Sex

The Least Sexy Sex

When Dave and I were trying for baby #1, the seeds (wink wink) were planted for an essay I wrote called “The Least Sexy Sex” about the pitfalls of procreating.  That essay has just been published by Skirt! magazine and you can read it here. Of course now...

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